UF Approved Caterers

As part of the UF Campus Events and Gatherings Policy, in light of the current Covid-19 restrictions, Gator Dining and Classic Fare Catering are offering a modified menu program featuring individually packaged meals to ensure safety and offer peace of mind to your guests. On occasion, we may be able to support your unique event with a tailored solution that can support your event while also meeting current safety guidelines. Please see our current menus or reach out to our team for information on how to best service your event.

Classic Fare
Additional Approved

How to Become an Approved Caterer

Documents You Need to Submit to Business Services

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Sustainability Best Practices

UF has removed Styrofoam from our food service operations on campus. We ask all caterers to help reduce the negative impact Styrofoam places on our waste stream by minimizing or eliminating the use of Styrofoam.
We encourage the caterers to use compostable, recyclable, and reusable items in packaging, service ware, delivery containers and to-go boxes.

Green-Level Certification:
The highest level of effort taken toward sustainability

Please visit http://sustainable.ufl.edu to learn more about UF’s efforts to improve our environment, conserve water and energy, and lessen our negative impact on landfills.
You will also find information about “Sustainable Event Certification” a program departments and student groups interested in assuring their event as environmental friendly as possible.

Pepsi Exclusivity

Caterers serving the UF main campus are required to be in agreement and compliance with the University’s exclusivity agreement with Pepsi which include the purchase of Pepsi products for UF Catered events from one of the University’s two exclusive distributors; Pepsi Beverage Co. and Mister Paper.

These distributors can be reached through the following contact information:

Jason Sullivan

Pepsi Beverages Co.

6335 NW 18th Drive

Gainesville, FL 32653

P: (352) 494-6941

Hector Leon

Pepsi Beverages Co.

6335 NW 18th Drive

Gainesville, FL 32653

P: (407) 619-6939

Shane Roach

Mister Paper

1040 S. Main Street

Gainesville, FL 32601

P: (352) 377-2737

Caterers are required to comply with the Pepsi Pouring Rights agreement to serve Pepsi beverages purchased directly from Pepsi and credited against the UF account. This agreement does not extend to freshly brewed coffee, tea or lemonade; freshly prepared smoothies and other. The contract language defining “Beverage” is provided for clarification.

"Beverage" or "'Beverages" means all carbonated and non-carbonated, non-alcoholic drinks, including but not limited to (i) colas and other flavored carbonated drinks; (ii) fruit juice, fruit juice containing and fruit flavored drinks; (iii) chilled coffee drinks; (iv) chilled tea products; (v) isotonics; (vi) bottled or canned water whether carbonated or still (spring, mineral or purified); (vii) new age/healthy beverages, e.g. SoBe; (viii) energy drinks, e.g., Amp, Rockstar; and (ix) Value Added Protein Drinks. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, "Beverage" or "Beverages" shall not include dairy based beverages that have greater than 50% milk content. tomato juice; Yoo-Hoo brand beverages (Regular, Strawberry and Double Fudge flavors only); Slim fast brand beverages; freshly brewed hot coffee and freshly-brewed hot tea beverages; freshly made lemonade and smoothie beverages, freshly brewed flavored and unflavored iced teas and coffees, and Frosties.

Restricted Venues

Caterers will comply with serving in spaces permitted by UF Regulation 4.006.

Classic Fare Exclusive Catering Locations

The Contract for Services between the University of Florida and Classic Fare Educational Services, LLC gives the CONTRACTOR (Classic Fare) exclusive operation for the sale and service of foods and drinks, exclusive of vending machine sales, and for the sale of such products usually sold in cafeterias, restaurants, snack bars, convenience stores, and catering in University buildings that include a dining facility operated by CONTRACTOR. These buildings include:

(This list is subject to change as new food service operations are added on the University Campus.)

  • Bookstore & Welcome Center
  • Broward Dining Center
  • Cancer & Genetics Research Center – Genetics Café
  • Gator Corner Dining Center
  • Harrell Medical Education Building
  • Harn Museum – Camellia Court Café
  • Health Science Center Sun Terrace
  • Heavener Hall (First right of refusal)
  • Hough Hall (First right of refusal)
  • HUB
  • Little Hall Express Food Court
  • Racquet Club
  • Pugh Hall
  • Reitz Union
  • SW Rec Center
  • Turlington Subway
  • Vet Med Small Animal Hospital
In addition UF Regulation 4.006 P7 states:

Off-campus licensed food service caterers may provide food and beverage service for special events when sponsored by an official University Department or organization at University buildings not restricted under the terms of the University food service contract. Buildings restricted for University food service contractor's use include the student residence halls, J. Wayne Reitz Union Building, Bruton-Geer Hall, grounds adjacent to these buildings, and the Sun Terrace Cafeteria including its outside dining area.

List of Restricted Venues

The following venues may place additional restrictions, requirements or limitations for catered events. Please confirm with the venue manager for details and specific requirements for each Venue:

(This list is subject to change.)

Harn Museum: Lauren Keiser, Museum Event Rentals Coordinator - lkeiser@harn.ufl.edu, 352-294-7079

University of Florida Foundation (Emerson Hall): Travis Hurst, Facilities Event Management, Event Coordinator - thurst@uff.ufl.edu, 352-392-2529

Straughn Conference Center (IFAS): Straughn IFAS Extension Center, Venue Manager - straughn@ifas.ufl.edu, 352-294-2915

Florida Museum of Natural History: Amber Tison, Rentals Coordinator - atison@flmnh.ufl.edu, 352-273-2045

University House (Old President’s House): Stacey Merritt - staceym@ufl.edu, 352-392-6541

Baby Gator (2 locations): Stacy Ellis, Director - smellis@ufl.edu, 352-294-2241

P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School:Amy Neal, Office Manager - aneal@pky.ufl.edu, 352-392-1554 x294

Small Business & Supplier Diversity

The Small Business & Supplier Diversity office is responsible for overseeing the University’s Supplier Diversity Program. The program focuses on ensuring equal access for Small, HUB Zone, Minority, Small Disadvantaged, Veteran, Service-Disabled Veteran, and Women-Owned businesses by providing them equal opportunity to compete for procurement and contracting opportunities at the University.

We ask all caterers to contact and register with Dwan Courtney at the UF Small Business & Supplier Diversity office:

Dwan Courtney

Small Business & Supplier Diversity

P.O. Box 112450

Gainesville, FL 32611-2450

P: (352) 292-0380

UF Catering

University of Florida Business Services

A division of Business Affairs

P: (352) 392-0306

E: catering@bsd.ufl.edu